Thursday, August 21, 2008

Eating Right Feels Nice!

After reading Michael Pollan's book In Defense of Food, I am all about eating healthily. In his work, he attacks the Western diet, one he characterizes as industrialized food like substances. The key is to avoid these processed foods. Indeed, his mantra for healthful eating is

"Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants."

The easiest way to do this is

1. Get out of the supermarket. Go to farmers markets and the like for fresh, chemical free foods where you can connect with the people who make your food.

2. If farmers markets aren't available, then try staying on the edges of the market. This is generally where all the fresh produce and whole foods are located. Venturing into the middle of the market exposes oneself to the temptation of sugar and salt processed foods that are fattening and killing us.

I have found that instead of being a hassle, eating this way is exciting and adventurous. You have to be creative to figure out what to do with a squash or an avocado. You also have to spend a bit more money and a lot more time to prepare it. But the satisfaction of working with and tasting real food is more than worth these expenditures.

You can read more about Michael Pollan at his website. Also, the George Mateljan Foundation is a great organization that has lots of recipes using whole foods:

"The George Mateljan Foundation is a non-profit organization with no commercial influence, which provides this website for you free of charge. We are dedicated to making the world a healthier place by providing you with cutting-edge information about why the World's Healthiest Foods are the key to vibrant health and energy and how you can easily make them a part of your healthy lifestyle."

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Henry Kissinger's Realist Diplomacy

First, let me say that I know Henry Kissinger, Secretary of State under President Nixon, can be a conservative asshole, and that he is perhaps the staunchest ideologue/ practitioner of Realpolitik. He is wanted in several countries on charges of abetting genocide. Further, His Diplomacy is written in a sometimes sickening supercilious tone.

Diplomacy is nonetheless extremely insightful. The 800 page, 900 pound tome chronicles the art of diplomacy from the seventeenth century to the early nineties post Cold War era. It is really a great history lesson for me to learn about all of these important European and American figures.

It seems the central theme of the book that is recapitulated at each analysis of events is that Realpolitik works, whereas idealism only foments more complicated problems. The heroes of the oeuvre include Teddy Roosevelt, Winston Churchill, Cardinal Richelieu, Chancellor Bismarck, and even Stalin to a certain extent, all shrewd calculators of their respective countries' national interest. The villains, who were either completely inept or too reliant on concepts such as international law or public opinion to be practical, include Woodrow Wilson, Napoleon III, and Eisenhower.

It is no coincidence that many of the leaders disdained by Kissinger are American. He describes America as the first country to consistently overlook its national interest in the name of law and morality. He credits America's oceanic barriers as the reason for this - European countries never entertained that possibility because a misstep in regards to the national interest most certainly would lead to lost territory.

While Kissinger concedes that WWI was a result of Realpolitik turning in on itself, WWII was definitely a failure of collective security. (a framework in which should any member country be attacked by any aggressor, all countries must come to the aid of victim nation. For instance, NATO is an organization of collective security. While it is unlikely, had Russia attacked a NATO member instead of an aspiring NATO member like Georgia, all NATO countries would have declared war. )

The problem was that France and Great Britain were pretending to adhere to collective security vis a vis Germany, except that Germany crossed many lines before either country actually committed themselves to upholding the principles of collective security; this was the policy of appeasement. The result was exponentially worse than had both countries acted in their national interests, which would have required Great Britain and France to align themselves against Germany at the first breach of the Versailles treaty. Thus, in most circumstances, it is safest to act in one's national interest as opposed to some far flung ideal like collective security or human rights.

I suppose I agree with the guy to a certain extent. The US would exhaust itself it went to war with every country that violated its ideals. Hell, we'd be at war with ourselves. Indeed, Kissinger mentions briefly that where the US rebuked the use of force as an ideal in most circumstances, like the Suez Canal crisis, it had no problem having leaders of unfriendly regimes killed or deposed secretly. Does Panama ring a bell anyone? I guess our ideals only cover what is seen by the public at the time.

The implications of Realpolitik can be frightening though. Kissinger views the War in Iraq as justified by American national interests to secure oil for energy security, though he does have qualms with the way the war was managed after Hussein's regime was toppled.

One might question if the world could ever know peace if every government practiced realism. I imagine Kissinger responding that there will never be peace anyway, and not fighting for the sake of not fighting is what led to the disastrous Second World War. Cruel it may be, but thus is the inner workings of a great Jewish mind of the twentieth century.

John McCain... You rich son of a bitch!

Would you consider yourself rich if you had a million dollars? John McCain wouldn't. In fact, you would need to be making five times that figure annually to be one of John McCain's rich. Yeah, that's right, you did not just misread. In order to meet McCain's requirements of rich, you must make $5,000,000 PER YEAR! Make sure you skim over all six zeros in that number again.

Hell, if you're like me, even a tenth of a million represents comfortable wealth, especially if that is your yearly income. Indeed, $150K per annum represents the income of America's richest 5 per cent. Curiously enough, and, in stark contrast to his opponent, Obama's definition of rich is this figure.

I don't know about you all, but I certainly prefer Obama's view. Because if Old John gets into office, all of his rich buddies, or according to him, not so rich buddies will continue to receive unprecedented tax breaks. Just read what his wife manages to save in taxes under Buddy Bush...

"Asking the world's tallest man to set cabinet heights, or the world's strongest man to decide the tension of jar lids, is going to leave you with some pretty tall cabinets and some pretty tightly closed jars. Similarly, asking one of the world's richest men to set your tax policy will end up with a pretty skewed set of policies: Say, a tax plan that gives his wife $370,000 in breaks. Again, nothing weird or malign: Just the naturally skewed perspective of someone who lives on a particular extreme, in this case, the extreme edge of the wealth distribution."

Read the rest of the article at Mother Jones blog.

Let's all hope that Obama's definition of rich will ultimately prevail, for the sake of justice and this country's social fabric. Besides, look how adorable he is the photo below... eating his organic apple and all...

Thursday, August 7, 2008

A few Wortschatz

Wortschatz, German for vocabulary (literally word treasures), accurately describes all the new words I've been learning! How erudite of me.

The imperious preacher exhorted the apostate to revert, but the apostate remained intransigent.

  1. apostasy
  2. exhort
  3. hortatory
  4. imperious
  5. intransigent
I feel so verbally well endowed...

Truth Be Told: Rwanda's Indictment

Kagame, in a sexy oversized leisure blazer, at right.

Aha! Perhaps Rwanda's indictment of senior French officials is not as altruistic as it seems. An IHT article published yesterday suggests that Rwanda's government, which is run by Paul Kagame's Rwandan Patriotic Front, is distracting international attention away from itself. The International Criminal Tribunal has accused the RPF of killing tens of thousands of Hutus in the aftermath of the genocide. The indictment is more of a political ploy than a legal proceeding. It may also be a response to France's effort to bring Kagame before the UN Tribunal for plotting the plane crash that killed the former Rwandan president, an event that, when it occurred two years ago, set off more violence in the fragile country.

Says Kenneth Roth, president of Human Rights Watch, and a personal hero of mine:

"The timing of this report is no coincidence. At a moment when international pressure to pursue the RPF trials is at its height, this is an effort to change the subject and put the international community on the defensive."

Read the Katrin Bennhold IHT article.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

New Vocab

  1. mercurial

  2. truculence

  3. peremptory

  4. dilettantish

  5. exegesis

Hitler was truculent and imperious in conquest. Up to a certain point, his peremptory nature, while scaring the mercurial former Allies, elicited only dilettantish reference to collective security.

**Most of these words and ideas are courtesy of Henry Kissinger's Diplomacy.

Some Humpday updates

I just returned from a lovely vacation in Chicago. It was fabulous, but I am happy to be back in Cbus. Just in time to find some great reads in the Financial Times and Le Monde.

It looks like international law is going to get a lot more interesting in the coming weeks and months. The Rwandan government has indicted top French officials, including former Prime Minister de Villepin, in the genocide that occurred in Rwanda in the 90s. Further, the Spanish judiciary has determined itself fit to investigate charges of genocide in Tibet against Chinese Communist Party officials. What a brouhaha!

Financial Times

  1. Free Trade: The key to Britain's food security
  2. French government indicted in Rwandan genocide
  3. Greenspan's take on the state of the world's finances
  4. The consequences of China's weak civil society

Le Monde (en francais)

  1. Spanish court to investigate charges of genocide in Tibet against Chinese officials
  2. Coup d'etat in Mauritania