Tuesday, August 19, 2008

John McCain... You rich son of a bitch!

Would you consider yourself rich if you had a million dollars? John McCain wouldn't. In fact, you would need to be making five times that figure annually to be one of John McCain's rich. Yeah, that's right, you did not just misread. In order to meet McCain's requirements of rich, you must make $5,000,000 PER YEAR! Make sure you skim over all six zeros in that number again.

Hell, if you're like me, even a tenth of a million represents comfortable wealth, especially if that is your yearly income. Indeed, $150K per annum represents the income of America's richest 5 per cent. Curiously enough, and, in stark contrast to his opponent, Obama's definition of rich is this figure.

I don't know about you all, but I certainly prefer Obama's view. Because if Old John gets into office, all of his rich buddies, or according to him, not so rich buddies will continue to receive unprecedented tax breaks. Just read what his wife manages to save in taxes under Buddy Bush...

"Asking the world's tallest man to set cabinet heights, or the world's strongest man to decide the tension of jar lids, is going to leave you with some pretty tall cabinets and some pretty tightly closed jars. Similarly, asking one of the world's richest men to set your tax policy will end up with a pretty skewed set of policies: Say, a tax plan that gives his wife $370,000 in breaks. Again, nothing weird or malign: Just the naturally skewed perspective of someone who lives on a particular extreme, in this case, the extreme edge of the wealth distribution."

Read the rest of the article at Mother Jones blog.

Let's all hope that Obama's definition of rich will ultimately prevail, for the sake of justice and this country's social fabric. Besides, look how adorable he is the photo below... eating his organic apple and all...

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