I found an interesting bit of information recently. In the current election cycle, weapons industries, with the exception of Lockheed, are contributing more heavily to Democrats than to Republicans. The figure is that $8.5 million is going to Dems, and $7.8 million going to Republicans. Does anyone know why that is? Assuming most Democrats agree with Obama, then we will not be going to war anytime soon with Iran. Wouldn't it be more lucrative for these industries to invest in the Republicans, since they are the war mongering party?
Perhaps they feel that Obama is going to have an overwhelming victory over McCain, in which case, all they money they have paid might get them special treatment in Obama's plan to refocus on Afganistan.
In any case, opensecrets.org is a fascinating website. The quantity of dollars that some of these industries contribute is hard to read. For defense spending, go to Open Secrets' defense page. They also have every other kind of political contribution on record!
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