Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The Graduate Record Exam: Vocabulary

Casey and I have begun studying for the GRE. We go to our local Barnes & Noble and use one of their Princeton Review study guides. Don't tell B&N! I feel so very incompetent. My vocabulary is especially ignominious. (YAY! New word!) For those of you who are gifted, or whose parents have cultivated in you a grand vocabulary (like my boyfriend), please wipe that supercilious look from your face (YAY! Another!) Below is the first list of words I have compiled. I have decided to divide words into groups based on similar definitions, and maybe sometimes antonyms. The first group of words all have to do with lacking energy or weakness. Some of them I was familiar with. The other words I have just never seen and or used.

5. wan

Alas, I feel so supine after learning all these new words... the lassitude of a summer afternoon nap is calling...

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